💙XiCheng WIP Bang💜

A fan event for writers and artists, organized by XiCheng fans for XiCheng fans! Running from November 2023 through July 2024.WRITER SIGN-UPS ARE OPEN!


Hello and welcome to our first ever XiCheng WIP Bang! You're new here? Don't worry, let us explain to you really shortly what this event is about:What is a "bang"?A bang is a fandom event where a writer starts writing a (usually long-ish) fanfic, and an artist who likes the writer's concept then "matches with" this fanfic. In the course of the event, the artist makes one or more fanarts of their choice for the fanfic. The goal is to have both the fic and the art complete by the designated posting time of the event.So what sets apart a "WIP bang"?In a regular bang, the writer starts with a completely new story and writes from scratch. In a WIP bang, as the name already said, you can enter a WIP fanfic of yours that you have already started publishing!XiCheng WIP Bang specifics - How does this work?In our first ever XiCheng WIP Bang, you can start with any WIP of your choice, however, you will not be paired up with an artist right away. Instead, you will start writing for the WIP on your own. Only if you make a certain amount of progress on your WIP within a certain timeframe, you qualify for artist matching (please see more details in our schedule).For artists, this means that you will not sign-up for the bang right away, but instead you will sign-up once it's time to match with a writer. We do it this way around because there are more writers than artists in our fandom, and we want to offer each of our participating artists a high chance that the fic they make art for will be finished in time.Important: We will do our best to ensure that every writer who finishes a WIP gets art for it! We will also accept moodboards, fan-edits, fan-videos, cosplay shootings, and playlists as art entries.Please note: Shortly after writer sign-ups and long before the official artist matching, we will also open sign-ups for cheerleaders. Every writer who would like this option can be matched with a cheerleader to encourage them (it could be an artist, another writer, or an appreciator - no restrictions on who can become a cheerleader!). For artists, this is an opportunity to inofficially bond with a writer they like before the official artist matching. An artist who has already cheerlead for a writer will be given priority to match with this writer during the official artist matching!


Edit: Please note the updated deadlines for Fourth Check-In, Final Deadline, and Posting Period!Writer Sign-Up: 1-7 November 2023Cheerleader Sign-Up: 19-26 November 2023First Check-In: 17-24 December 2023
This is a soft deadline. Mods will ask writers for progress, and writers post a first snippet of their WIP on social media.
Second Check-In: 28 January-4 February 2024
This is a soft deadline. Mods will ask writers for progress, and writers post a second snippet of their WIP on social media.
Third Check-In: 10-17 March 2024
This is a hard deadline. Writers must have 10k or more written to qualify for artist matching, and writers also post a third snippet of their WIP on social media.
Artist Sign-Up: 24-31 March 2024Artist Matchings announced: 7 April 2024Fourth Check-In: 19-26 May
This is a soft deadline. Mods will ask both writers and artists for progress, and both writers and artists post a snippet of their WIP on social media.
Final Deadline: 23-30 June 2024
This is a hard deadline. Both writers and artists must be finished with their works.
Posting period: 14 July through 25 August 2024
Writers and artists post their works at a time and pace that is convenient for them (posting chapters one by one in a spaced-out timeframe is allowed!)


For all participants:1. You must be 18 years old or older.2. Please always be kind to your fellow shippers. Don't spread negativity about others or their works.3. E-mail will be our main communication channel. For every check-in e-mail you receive from your mod, you have 1 week to respond for hard deadlines, and 2 weeks for soft deadlines. If you don't respond within this timeframe, we will assume you dropped out of the event.4. In regards to the above rule, please provide us with an email address which you frequently check.5. We highly value proper communication. If some real life issues get in the way and you think you cannot make it, please let your matched partner (writer or artist) know immediately if you have to drop out of the event! Do not ghost your matched partner. If we find that you are not responding to your matched partner in a timely manner, and you don't respond to mod inquiries either, we will consider you a dropout and you will not be able to participate in future match-up events (including future gift exchanges).6. When posting, please be sure to tag any contents others may consider sensitive, such as character bashing, dead dove topics (incest, non-con, gore, etc.), mpreg and omegaverse, as well as top/bottom dynamics.For writers:1. Your fic must be centered around XiCheng as an endgame romantic couple. If your fic includes other pairings, XiCheng as an endgame romantic couple must amount to more than 75% of your fic. XiCheng bashing content will not be allowed.2. To qualify as a WIP, your fic must be either published before 1 November 2023, or you must provide us with a document of your existing, unpublished WIP which is older than 1 November 2023. An unpublished draft or outline counts as a WIP, or you can also enter an existing threadfic which you would like to expand/continue!3. Any language is allowed for the WIP, but if your fic is not in English then please be prepared that your artist may have to read the fic with machine translation. You'll need to clarify with them any descriptions that are unclear.4. To qualify for match-up with an artist, you must have written at least 10k additional words for your WIP starting from your sign-up word-count until the 3rd check-in (see schedule), and of course you must finish your fic by the final posting time. Please acknowledge: If you drop out or don't finish your fic until the final posting time, the artist is not required to finish their art for your fic.5. If you enter an already published WIP, once you have signed up for the event you cannot publish anymore updates for your WIP until the designated posting time. Sharing snippets and raising excitement among your readers is allowed.For artists:1. You are willing to produce either of: 1 piece of art, 1 comic, 1 moodboard, 1 playlist, 1 graphics edit, 1 video, 1 cosplay shooting - for the fic you want to match with. The art must be centered around XiCheng as a couple.2. You are confident that you are able to finish your art for the writer within the given timeframe (see schedule).3. Participating as both writer and artist is allowed, but please don't bite off more than you can chew.


Writer's sign-up: CLOSED!
Cheerleader sign-up: Coming soon!

💙Contact Us💜

Feel free to reach out to us any time if you have questions. Participants are free to either contact their assigned mod or any account on this page.Admin's twitter page: @beedaydreamsMods' twitter pages:
XiCheng Event accounts:
Other ways to reach out: Write us an e-mail! [email protected]